Home WELLNESS The App You Need for Making Healthier Choices

The App You Need for Making Healthier Choices

by Gina Dal Molin

*This post is not sponsored by Yuka! We just love this app and think EVERYONE needs it 🙂 We’ve already preached to our families and friends, so now it’s time to share it with the world.

When you download this app you will become instantly obsessed …just like us. Most importantly, the app is independent of any sponsors, so they are not financially swayed by any brand which is awesome and rare these days. The reason I love this app so much is that it gives you the power back as the consumer and gives you the information necessary to make the healthiest choices for you and your family. As consumers, we have the power and responsibility to demand better from stores, companies and I think it is past due that we command change :: ok, rant over …let’s get into the details::

How The App Works

The app scans barcodes on food and beauty products and analyzes the health impacts by assigning easy-to-read scores and color coded labeling green (good) to red (bad).  What I think is the coolest part is that it is not only fast and super easy, but it also tells you what any bad ingredients are and why they are bad! That is a game changer for me since Googling each and every complicated ingredient name is tiresome and is a huge time suck. This amazing app also recommends better products – which is amazing so you can quickly see alternatives to any bad products you may now want to throw out.

In today’s society, our food and beauty products are riddled with harmful ingredients.  Especially our beauty products since that is an unregulated market here in the United States (shame).  Who knows what they put in some of these cosmetics. I know after scanning basically everything in my bathroom (lol) I am switching out a lot of products in my beauty regimen! (Stay tuned for more on this topic and let us know if that is of interest – we can share our non-toxic beauty swaps!)

Below I’ve included some screenshots of some of my food/products I scanned so far. (don’t worry the Truff Black Truffle Hot Sauce only scanned poor because of high sodium, which is no surprise). I’ve also shown the recommendations for the products that scanned poor as well as the Top Products categories.  Hopefully this gives you hope and the power to make healthier choices for you and your family BUT as always, the app is not perfect so use your best judgement.

Anyways, we wish you happy scanning and #sorrynotsorry for all the bad things you find :/

Ps. Yuka Team if you read this – WE LOVE you and thank you for making this app.

Happy Scanning!

Gina & Kari

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